PHPTS:一键免费搭建 Nginx + PHP + MySQL 运行环境


This extension may be installed using the bundled version as of PHP 5.3.0, or as a PECL extension as of PHP 5.2.0. In other words, there are two methods to install the intl extension.

安装此 PECL 扩展相关的信息可在手册中标题为 PECL 扩展的安装章节中找到。更多信息如新的发行版本、下载、源文件、 维护人员信息及变更日志等,都在此处: »

Alternatively, --enable-intl will enable the bundled version while compiling PHP.

If your ICU is installed to a non-standard directory then you might want to specify its location in LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable so that dynamic linker can find it:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/icu/lib

Otherwise, if PHP and ICU are installed to their default locations, then the additional options to `configure' are not needed.