PHPTS:一键免费搭建 Nginx + PHP + MySQL 运行环境


这些函数的行为受 php.ini 中的设置影响。

Stomp 配置选项
名字 默认 可修改范围 更新日志
stomp.default_broker tcp://localhost:61613 PHP_INI_ALL
stomp.default_connection_timeout_sec 2 PHP_INI_ALL
stomp.default_connection_timeout_usec 0 PHP_INI_ALL
stomp.default_read_timeout_sec 2 PHP_INI_ALL
stomp.default_read_timeout_usec 0 PHP_INI_ALL


stomp.default_broker string

The default broker URI to use when connecting to the message broker if no other URI is specified.

stomp.default_connection_timeout_sec integer

The seconds part of the default connection timeout.

stomp.default_connection_timeout_usec integer

The microseconds part of the default connection timeout.

stomp.default_read_timeout_sec integer

The seconds part of the default reading timeout.

stomp.default_read_timeout_usec integer

The microseconds part of the default reading timeout.